Community Service Page

2025 Sponsors Boys and Girls State Program

Members from the Golden Hills Mustang Club presented TJ Johnson from the American Cancer Society with a check for $8125 raised through the Biggest Little National!

Thank You!

Donnie McEachern 2021Car Show Chairman presented a $2000.00 check to Stephane Nelson the JDRF representative in Concord. The funds were raised at our 36th Annual Biggest Little Car Show. They were very surprised of our generous donation. Way to go to all the club members for all their hard work. This was very special for me to be able to do this. Regards Donnie and Lynnie.

Bill was recognized before the Board of Supervisors as Solano County’s November 2018 Employee of the Month. With a passion for helping Veterans, the day after Bill retired, he found himself at Solano County’s Department of Veteran Services looking to help wherever he could. Bill ended up volunteering for a year. Now, you can find Bill helping Veterans in his current position as an extra help Veterans Benefits Counselor. Congratulations, Bill and thank you for your service!

2018 GHMC Car Show Charity Donation
Bob Fentress, 2018 Car Show Chairman, presents a check for $2,000 to Natalie Zell of Pink Heals Solano.
The funds were raised at our 34th Annual Biggest Little Car Show and will go directly to help a family that has a family member battling cancer.


A Thank You Letter from Colonel Folson,Wounded Warriors Family Support   Click here

A Thank You Letter from the Veterans Employment Committee. for your donation. Click here

As a member of the Staff for the North Bay Stand Down I would like to thank GHMC for the
generous donation to the North Bay Stand Down. It is thru community minded organizations like
yours that we are able to help so many of the Homeless Veterans that reside in Solano and the
neighboring counties. The monies that you donated will go to provide food, shelter, clothing, medical care and rehabilitation counselor. Your donation will make a great impact on the quality of life for over 100 Homeless Veterans living in the Northern California Area.
Thank you again,
Bill Davis

Personal message from Craig Beckley:
Being a member of the Golden Hills Mustang Club, it has always been rewarding to work on the clubs largest fund raiser of the year, the annual Biggest Little Car Show. I have had the pleasure of working side by side with many club members who have made the show possible by soliciting donations for raffle prizes or goody bag stuffers; soliciting t-shirt sponsors; working with the t-shirt and trophy vendors; helping stuff goody bags the night before the big show; helping to set up the morning of the car show; helping to get cars quickly and smoothly through the registration line; pre-registration of the cars and day of registration; storing and setting up the raffle prizes; counting ballots the day of the show. All of these many tasks are necessary to make the show possible. I have been the car show co-chairman twice, and once being car show chairman, but none of it has ever been more rewarding to me personally as it was this year to be a part of the GHMC and the Biggest Little Car Show. Chris Snow, Chairman of the 32nd Annual Biggest Little Car Show, chose the North Bay Stand Down as this year’s charity. Due to unforeseen circumstances, we were able to roll over the proceeds from the 31st Annual Biggest Little Car Show into this year’s proceeds. Due to a work conflict, Chris Snow was unable to attend the clubs general meeting. So when I was able to present Jeff Jewell, Director of the Concord Vet Center and volunteer with North Bay Stand Down with a check from GHMC in the amount of $5,000.00, I was truly humbled. To see the response of heartfelt gratitude from Jeff, from the emotion in his eyes, to a hand shake and heartfelt hug meant for all members of GHMC, it truly made all the hours volunteering for our clubs car show worthwhile. Hopefully GHMC’s donation will help make a difference to a homeless and/or at-risk veteran at this year’s North Bay Stand Down with “a hand up, not a hand out”. Thank you to everyone who always volunteers their time to make the BLCS a success! - Craig Beckley, Co-Chairman, 32nd Annual Biggest Little Car Show

    GHMC Veterans liaison Bill Davis presented a check from the club for $1000 to the Solano Community College Veterans Memorial construction fund!
The College plays a major role in providing training to veterans leaving military service and integrating into civilian life.

Check Presentation at the Pathway Home

As Car Show Chairmen for this year’s 30th Annual Biggest Little Car Show, we had the honor and privilege to present a portion of the proceeds of this year’s car show to The Pathway Home at their recent graduation. We received a wonderful Thank You letter from CEO, Fred Gusman. Thank you to all who worked on the car show and helped make this moment possible.

Dan & Norma McCabe



Golden Hills Mustang Club Assist-a-Grad Scholarship May 2014

The recipient is Christian Marmolejo

Dear, Golden Hills Mustang Club

I was very happy to learn that I was a recipient of the Golden Hills Mustang Club Scholarship. I am writing to thank you for your generous, financial support towards my future automotive career.

I am a student that is passionate for automobiles and plan to pursue a career as an entrepreneur and, with hard work and dedication, run my own auto shop . I am currently about to graduate from Armijo High School and I'm already enrolled at the Universal Technical Institute in Sacramento. After graduating from UTI, I will either seek employment at a local Ford or Chevy dealer, or continue to work at the shop I work at now, with hopes to gain the experience and skills that are required to be the best. After working for a year or so, I plan to attend the Solano community college where I will take business, economics, trade, and entrepreneurship classes, to gain the complicated knowledge that I will need to run my own show.

By awarding me the Golden Hills Mustang Club scholarship, I am able to concentrate on what is important for me, education. Your financial generosity has allowed me to be one step closer to my goal and has inspired me to help others by giving back to my community. I hope one day l will be able to help other students achieve their goals just as you have helped me.





Pathway Home graduates 7 veterans Feb 7, 2014

U.S. combat veterans got tears, laughs and standing ovations from a packed audience at their graduation from the Pathway Home in Yountville on Friday. Graduates from left are Evan Maier, David McDermott, Jason Bauer, Dustin Kearfott, Tim Miller, Ryan Ellis and Nick Edinger. When handed a certificate from the state Legislature, one grad joked, “Is that the bill?” Another veteran said, “We just need America to walk us home again.” Pathway Home is the nationally acclaimed and highly successful residential treatment program for Afghanistan and Iraq veterans who suffer from severe post-traumatic stress. Kathleen Smith photo


The presentation of the 2013 car show charity check to C.A.H.P. Widows and Orphans Fund



Click here for photos



Linda Mahone of Heather House receives check from 2012 Car Show



Golden Hills Mustang Club Assist-a-Grad Scholarship May 20, 2012

Juan Hernandez graduating from Amijo and attending Solano College studying Auto Shop.



The Most outstanding Community Service Program in the Western Region

                                 Golden Hills Mustang Club Wins Grand Prize In Eagle One Car Club Contest


The 180 members of the Golden Hills Mustang Club are riding high. The Fairfield, CA club won the grand prize in the 19th annual Eagle One Golden Rule Awards contest sponsored by the car-care products brand.

Car clubs in four regions of the U.S. were recognized and rewarded for conducting the most outstanding community service program in their region during 2011.

The Grand Prize is awarded for the most compassionate achievement.  The Golden Hills Mustang Club was honored for sending 75-pound packages of food, toiletries, magazines and other necessities to U.S. troops in Afghanistan and Iraq every month during 2011.

Eagle One and associate sponsor Valvoline donated a total of $1,500 to a favorite charity of the GHMC as the Grand Prize winner. A donation of $500 was made to favorite charities of the other three winners.

Clubs winning the regional awards were: West: Golden Hills Mustang Club; Midwest: Vintage Wheels Car Club; East: Lost In The '50s Car Club; South: Hamblen County Car Club.

In addition to the cash donations, each club received a custom-designed award plaque and a generous supply of Eagle One's eco-friendly EnviroShine appearance care products and Valvoline motor oil for fund-raising purposes.

"Eagle One has been proud to honor car clubs for the outstanding work they perform in their communities while actively engaged in the preservation of one of our country's greatest heritages, the automobile," said Robert McCarter, Eagle One brand manager.

Eagle One is a member of the Valvoline family of brands.


VonTing twins Nicole and Danielle delivering food to one of the Food Banks


Heather House receives check from 2011 Car Show



Awarded to Jacqueline McCalmont by Bill Davis